Terry Storch

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Every Great Executive...

Every great executive must have a great assistant! Exec’s do not miss this, your assistant is an extension of you. They must think like you, act like you, write like you, anticipate your next moves and represent you perfectly. NO EXCEPTIONS. I think that I can even say that your assistant is one of the most important positions within your company as a top level executive.

Well, I need to introduce you to my GREAT assistant. I have been blessed with everything that you could look for in an executive assistant. If you call me you will talk to her, if you schedule something with me, she will handle it, many times if you get something in the mail from me she wrote it. To say it accurately, she represents me perfectly! Amy Alvarez is one of the true rocks on my staff. Amy is not on my management team, but in many ways is their peer. Exec’s, you need an Amy or Amy type. GREAT assistants are very underrated and undervalued, don’t ever make that mistake.

Amy has a great blog, and wrote a wonderful post “it’s about that time...” Enjoy.