Terry Storch

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52 Leadership Tips- #33 (Availability)

Great leaders are available. Did you hear that? Great leaders are available leaders. Let me say it again, make yourself available! Now, you might be asking, available to what... I have an open door policy, is that what you are talking about? No, not necessarily.

Availability starts with saying no. You must free up your time, and your calendar so you can be available to the great things. (You control your calendar, it does not control you!) It is simple, great leaders are great spouses because they are available. Great leaders are great parents because they are available. Great leaders are great mentors because they are available. Great leaders are great bosses because the are available. Great leaders are great men and women of God because they are available.  Say no to the meaningless or even good things so you can say yes to the great things. Be available.

So, where do you go from here? Maybe you need stop going to lunch with the same old people, and do lunch with someone who needs you.  Maybe you need to take a week off, and hang out with the family. Maybe you need to take a true vacation with your spouse. Maybe you need to find a mentor and commit to it. Maybe you need to be a mentor. Maybe you need to volunteer at your local church. Maybe you need to coach in your son's soccer league. Maybe you need to start a blog so you can encourage others and make yourself available online. Make yourself available today leaders, the stakes are high, and the rewards are huge!