John 1 - How to Build Greatness
John 1 - How to Build Greatness
What does it take to build something great, something lasting, something that transcends generations? What comes to your mind, a great product? A person that is great? Just think about whatever comes to your mind, and think about what all went into that thing, someone, whatever, and what made it great? What made that greatness last? What made that greatness transcend, and have a legacy?
Here in John, we see Jesus come onto the scene. Really, it happened out of nowhere. We have John the Baptist telling people; the Messiah is coming.
“I baptize with water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” - John 1:26-27 NIV
Then, the next day John testifies more about Jesus.
“Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” - John 1:32-34 NIV
Then, the next day, Jesus was just passing by.
“The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” - John 1:35-36 NIV
This is how Jesus came into the world, or at least in the Gospel of John...Jesus was passing by. But, we know there is way more to this story, Jesus had been around, Jesus was born of Mary, Jesus was a stoneworker, a carpenter and we have lots of stories of Jesus growing up. Jesus had been here on earth, but in the Gospel of John, we see Jesus for the first time as he is described; Jesus was just passing by.
My mind takes me to a lot of places reading this, and processing it. First, why now. Why, after thirty’ish years of Jesus being around, living among the community, working, living, being human, why now does his ministry start? Did Jesus ever wonder when he was going to be able to start doing ministry? Did Jesus ever get impatient? Jesus is fully God, but he is fully human as well...what was Jesus thinking in these days before what we just read?
Back to my opening question, what does it take to make something great, transformative, legacy leaving? It takes time. Greatness doesn’t form overnight, or instantly, it takes time. There is SO much we do not know about Jesus' life, his ministry, and his impact. All these years of life Jesus had, so much we do not know. But what we do know is Jesus was fully man, Jesus knew what it meant to be fully human because he suffered, he navigated issues of life just like you, and I do. Jumping to the end of John, we read this very fact.
“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” - John 21:25 NIV
Greatness takes time, as well as the right time. I asked the question, why now? Why was this the moment, the time in history for Jesus to “come out” and be identified publically as the Messiah? I have no idea, but we know the end of the story, so we know it was the moment. However, the years and years before, it wasn’t the right time. Greatness and legacy building not only takes time, but it also takes the right time to come to market. Here is what I mean, great ideas, excellent products that come to market to early, or too late do not make it. It takes the exact right time. Microsoft build WebTV, basically what we see now with streaming TV providers, and they did this back in the late 90s early 2000’s. Impressive innovation and forward-thinking. The problem was, it was too early. Most Americans were still on dial-up, slow Internet. The innovation and technology was too early. The timing was wrong.
Here I am processing a person, not a product now. Maybe you are wondering when you are going to get your shot. When will God open that door, and you step into that ministry opportunity...or that new business venture you have been thinking about and planning for years. This was the same thing Jesus navigated, and his timing took time. The come to market opportunity or a product, and for people, is a unique time that needs to be just right. God knows that timing; we must trust!
Next, we read this;
“When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon.” - John 1:37-39 NIV
So, to build anything significant, we need time, and we need the right timing. What else, what do we see in this next passage? We see Jesus drawing in these disciples, inviting them in, close, and spending time with them.
Before I go into this point, let me point out something interesting. When Jesus saw he was being followed, look at his words. “What do you want?” Ha! This is just funny to me, not very inviting, not very open, quite short, and stern is how I read it. What do you want? Interesting.
Back to the point, point three. To build something great, a product or people we need to have understanding. We need market research, and we need to understand the problem entirely, we need to be “in it.” Jesus pulled the disciples in, and formed a relationship, spent time getting to know them, and for them to get to know Jesus. Greatness requires time, the right timing, and it also requires personal investment. Jesus was investing in these people. Watch what happens next;
“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter ).” - John 1:40-42 NIV
Jesus, just spending a little time with these guys and Andrew can not wait to bring more people to Jesus. This experience was so powerful that Andrew needed his brother to experience it as well.
This brings us to the fourth point, the Aha Moment. This Aha Moment was so powerful for Andrew that he instantly wanted his brother to experience it. Jesus was that different, that unique, that powerful. Of course, Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ. That, of course, is the most significant Aha Moment in the history of the world, discovering who Jesus is. But thinking about this in building greatness, and leaving a legacy in something or someone we need the Aha Moment. That moment that is so powerful we absolutely can not contain this, we must share it and pull others into it. This is where my analogy starts to get challenging, but I am going to stick with it. In a product, we need the great Aha Moment of how this product or thing is going to impact, improve, or touch your life. All great products do this well. In a person, we need the aha moment ourselves, of coming to understand who we really are, and what we are uniquely built to be. This great awakening inside of us is the aha moment...and it doesn't just happen once. This connection with self-awareness and self-discovery that happens best in community with other believers we come to the aha of who we are fully in Christ.
In my experience, I see this great Aha Moment coming in people when the great breaking, the crushing, the deep refining is extreme or has lead to the end of self. For me personally, and for so many that I have been on the journey with to the great personal aha moment, it looks similar. The start of the aha happens when we come to realize all the pride, ego, and worldly junk we carry is holding us back and continues to fall short. Our self just can not produce alone, our egos that got us this far had, that lead us as far as they can, and now it’s time to release all that...and realize in communion with others, and ultimately in union with Christ is the only path forward. This often looks like a breakdown, meltdown, crisis of faith, or life, and then God can do his work when we are at the bottom of the pit. Self-reliance turns into God reliance. This is the great Aha Moment!
And finally, as we think about building something great, this last point is huge...and often missed. Look closely at what Jesus does here;
“And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter ).” - John 1:42 NIV
When I first read this, just on the surface and staying in the literal reading, I was left a bit puzzled and wondering what Simon must have thought about his first encounter with Jesus, and he had his name changed. But you see, this is a problem when we just stay on the surface of Scripture and read too literally. This is not what Jesus was doing; it was much deeper, much more meaningful, and purposeful. Here, in this very personal moment between Jesus and Simon Peter, Jesus saw something in Simon, and he called it out. Jesus was pouring into Simon, and pointing to who he was going to become, who he was going to grow into, showing Simon that he was going to develop into the rock, the stone of stability for Jesus. You see, Cephas or Peter means a stone, a rock. Jesus told Simon he was a man that would be transformed.
Building a great product requires us to see into the future, see what will become, what the vision played out is going to be. If we get too focused on what today is, we just might miss what God plans on doing with the process, the time, and the right timing.
Jesus sees infinitely more in you and me than we can even imagine. Jesus is currently building, developing, pruning, and calling us to something great in His name. Lord, help us see what you see in us. Lord, give us the peace and patience to know you are doing a work, that your timing is perfect. Lord, whatever ego, pride, the baggage we are carrying help us to release it and fully walk in union with you. Jesus, you have called us to greatness, lead us, and show us the way to that being all you have called us to be. And father, may we not be drawn to someone else's greatness, help us to see clearly what you have in store for us. Amen.