Terry Storch

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Life.Church Digerati Jobs

It is amazing to see the continued growth of the Life.Church Digerati Team. The last 11 years of leading this effort has been life changing, challenging, inspiring, and rewarding beyond comprehension. Being a part of a local church that is leveraging technology to reach the world for Christ is a dream come true. Over a decade ago, I stepped out in faith and into the unknown to lead this movement. Maybe today is your day to take that same leap of faith.

Bible Labs

By exploring advanced technology, our team seeks to make the most of this moment in history and discover new ways to help people engage with God’s Word.

Senior Software Engineer, Lead

Software Engineer - Android

Software Engineer - iOS



Engaging people into a relationship with God as they discover the relevance the Bible has for their lives through the Bible App

Director of Global Impact

Software Engineer


Church Online

With more than 70 online services a week, we join together in community from all over the world for worship to worship, hear a powerful and relevant message, and get inspired to radically live out our faith.

Communications Leader


Information Technology

Improving systems and programs with the use of technology to reach the world for Christ

Data Analytics Engineer

Systems Engineer



Through mobile and web development, this team provides ways for people to engage with church—and be the church—during all 168 hours of the week, not just on the weekend

iOS Engineer

Software Engineer


Open Network

Building technology to resource the Global Church

Web Developer


Take a moment and check out any of the opportunities above. To stay in the loop and aware of what's happening in my world simply subscribe to the weekly #ThoughtsFromTerry email dispatch.

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