C3 Session 5 (Rob Bell)
Wow, where do I start. Let me first say that there is no way that I will be able to give you an outline or even come close in representing what Rob talked about. I highly recommend picking up the DVD or CD to get the entire content.
Rob starts by explaining the first century Rabbi. Rob talked for 20 minutes in explaining the stages of becoming a Rabbi and focusing on the Torah. Rob took us through the entire process and captivated the entire audience with this very in-depth teaching.
Now, that the audience has a basic understanding of the first century Rabbi, Rob transformed this into looking at Matthew 4:18-25. Diving into this scripture Rob focused on Jesus as the Rabbi. Looking at Jesus life, Rob takes the audience into the Journey. The Journey of Jesus.
Rob closes with the Journey. Faith is truly a journey, and your church should be a church of Journey not a church of destination. A "journey church" has people in movement, has people inviting. A "destination church" creates rivals, and becomes a defending church.
"Innovation is not optional in the book of Acts, it is necessary for survival of the church."
The scenery has changed! How can we invite those around us into our Journey?
To learn more about Rob Bell check out:NOOMA or Mars Hill Church.