Terry Storch

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Allow me to introduce you to, Gary Lamb.

Gary Lamb is the founding and Lead Pastor of Ridge Stone Church in Canton, Georgia. Gary has a wonderful blog, called Mad Babble From A Church Planter...

Gary is an outstanding writer, and has great content. His blog is one of those that I look forward to reading daily. Here is what Gary wrote me:

“I read your blog and got to where it was one of the first things I did during the day. I had never even heard of a blog and someone sent me your link since I am a Fellowship fan. I dug it and started reading others, then started doing it myself.

So you are to blame for my latest craze that drives my wife crazy.”

Gary, please apologize to your wife for me! I hope that you all enjoy Gary’s blog as much as I do. Next week Gary is going to bring 'What's Working" back, and tell us more about Ridge Stone Church.

Reminder: If I had something to do with you starting a blog send me an email, and tell me about it. I would love to introduce you!