Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

The Game Changed

Coaching an NBA basketball team with an MLB playbook would be a disaster. In the same way, leading a team by the wrong playbook will also result in poor outcomes. People evolve and grow; teams morph, goals and objectives adjust, technology rapidly changes. Leading is dynamic.

As leaders, we must regularly evaluate and change our playbook to the proper game. If you find yourself continually leading the same way, I will go on a limb and tell you that your game has changed without you.

Are you being led by the wrong playbook? With honor and respect, it's time to have a Crucial Conversation. Lead up, pull the necessary feedback, and align the playbook with the new reality.

Leading with the right playbook makes all the difference! Your capacity as a leader is directly tied to your ability to change or adapt in the moment and over time.

thoughtsTerry Storch