Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Posts in thoughts
1 Peter 3 - Girl Power

1 Peter 3 - Girl Power

I have been looking forward to jumping into 1 Peter 3, as a father of two wonderful and beautiful daughters. I am also married to an amazing woman of God, who is such a blessing. I want to jump into these few verses and try and unpack them and bring a little clarity as I see it. I think these verses and many other verses around women are so taken out of context. Remember chapter 2, a considerable section was under the title of Living Godly Lives in a Pagan Society. Peter was driving home the importance of being a witness of Jesus, and how to live.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
1 Peter 2 - A Nation Healed

1 Peter 2 - A Nation Healed

Since COVID-19, I have not traveled. On the one hand, that feels pretty good, and I enjoy being home and with my family, but on the other hand, I do enjoy traveling and visiting and seeing different areas of the country and the world. There was a time when I was traveling so much that it was common for me to wake up in the middle of the night and forget where I was. I would wake up, roll out of bed to go to the bathroom, and get confused because I did not recognize the surroundings. I suppose this would be a sign of being away from home too much.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
1 Peter 2 - Intensely Crave

1 Peter 2 - Intensely Crave

Here is chapter two, we see that Peter opens with “Therefore,” this is an excellent reminder for us all that these chapters are more for us as readers, to have breaks and a bit of a logical structure for the Bible, they did not exist in the original text. Remember, this is a letter written by Peter to churches in Roman provinces; he didn’t have chapters in his personal letters.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
1 Peter 1 - Hope. Holiness. Harmony.

1 Peter 1 - Hope. Holiness. Harmony.

Yesterday I opened 1 Peter 1 and got stuck on the first two verses. God’s elect who were exiled. This reality that needed time to process. For quick context, you can read those thoughts here: https://terrystorch.com/writing/1-peter-1-gods-chosen

Today we dive fully into Peter’s words to these exiled Christians. These opening words in v3-5 set the tone quickly.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
1 Peter 1: 1-2 - God’s Chosen

1 Peter 1: 1-2 - God’s Chosen

Peter was one fo the twelve disciples Jesus appointed and taught during his time on earth. After Jesus was crucified and rose, Peter spent the rest of his life as a church leader. This letter, 1 Peter, was written to churches in the Roman provinces who were experiencing persecution, and he sincerely urged them to remain faithful to Jesus.

If you have been with me and my morning journals for a while, then you know I have been studying the Apostle Paul since Jan 1. Every day I read a chapter in one of Paul’s epistles, and when I finished those, I jumped into Acts. Now finishing those, I figured a perfect transition was moving to Peter…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 28 - With All Boldness

Acts 28 - With All Boldness

Acts 28 is the end of the book and the last Biblical recording of Paul’s life. I love how the chapter and book ends, and it sums up the life of the Apostle Paul;

“He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” - ‭‭Acts‬ ‭28:31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Paul made it to Rome, brought his case, and was put into house arrest living on his own and continued living out his mission and calling. Proclaiming the kingdom of God, and sharing the love and life of Jesus Christ - with ALL BOLDNESS.

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Acts 27 Part 2, Injustice and Mercy

Acts 27 Part 2, Injustice and Mercy

As I read today, and honestly, most of this week, my mind and heart are in another place. I am still wrestling and processing all the protests, riots, and the injustice in our nation. The death of George Floyd weighs so heavily on me. My posture is listening and empathizing primarily, but with that in mind, it would be wrong, in my opinion, to just listen and empathize without a little speaking. Staying silent sends the wrong message, so let me be clear the horrific murder of George Floyd was wrong and tragic. Justice is required, and MLK said it best.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - Martin Luther King, Jr

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Acts - 27 Part 1, The Majority

Acts - 27 Part 1, The Majority

We have all heard it, the majority rules. Webster defines this as: a political principle providing that a majority usually constituted by fifty percent plus one of an organized group will have the power to make decisions binding upon the whole.

Conventual wisdom can lead us to believe that the majority would bring better decisions and a clearer path and decision…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 26 - Permission to Speak

Acts 26 - Permission to Speak

Have you ever stood before a judge in court and been granted permission to speak? This is a very intimidating situation, especially if you are a young teenager. Not long ago, I took my teenage daughter to the courthouse to go before the judge for her speeding ticket. She was nervous, and it didn’t help much that we witnessed many others go before this very stern and commanding judge. Each person that was called up before the judge was granted permission to speak. Some responded better than others.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 25 - The Space Between

Acts 25 - The Space Between

Is there something you have been waiting for, for a long time? Maybe you have been saving your money for years to be able to buy your first house. Or, you have been putting aside for your first international vacation. Or, I know many friends who desire deeply to have children, but are still waiting and hoping one day soon they can get pregnant.

The space between the idea, the prompting, or the calling placed upon our lives and the actual event can be challenging…

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thoughtsTerry Storch