Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Posts in thoughts
John 8 - Grace

John 8 - Grace

I read the story of the woman caught in adultery again this morning. Jesus words are speaking loudly to me this morning;

“They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”” ‭‭ - John‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Pharisees and religious leaders were trying to trap Jesus, and He responded with these words; ...let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 8 - Light of the World

John 8 - Light of the World

Here we read the encounter of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. There is so much happening in this story, and commentaries are full of context, thoughts, and details. Take a moment and read 1-12.

So much jumped out, and I found interesting this morning. However, I want to focus on the final words Jesus shared with the woman, and then the first words that Jesus shared when the woman left (assuming she left.)

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 7 - Division Over Who Jesus Is

John 7 - Division Over Who Jesus Is

Who is Jesus? This question just might be the most important question, ever. How we answer this question shapes everything about us, and or lives. Some might even argue that it’s less about how we respond to this question with our words as opposed to our actions.

“But we know where this man is from; when the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from.” - ‭‭John‬ ‭7:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 6:25-70 - Understand or Accept

John 6:25-70 - Understand or Accept

Jesus, the Bread of Life. This sounds pretty inspiring and good. So many of these one-liners, and Christianese that can get thrown that we can completely miss the radical nature of Jesus himself. Take a moment and flip to John 6:25 and read the chapter. Jesus sharing that He is the Bread of Life was not some easy and light-hearted topic and discussion. On the surface, It seemed like Jesus was talking about Cannibalism. Can you imagine this scenario, how would you process this and handle this? Many of His disciples walked away.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 6:28-29 - Slowing Down

John 6:28-29 - Slowing Down

“Then they asked Him, “What are we to do, so that we may habitually be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered, “This is the work of God: that you believe [adhere to, trust in, rely on, and have faith] in the One whom He has sent.”” - ‭‭John‬ ‭6:28-29‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Such a normal and common question...I can see myself asking this of Jesus. What must we do to do the works of God? What does God desire, what makes God happy, what does He require of us? Surely we should…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 6:26-27 - Living From, Not For Approval

John 6:15 - Retreat into the mountains

Robin and I love the mountains. We somewhat joke about it saying, you can simplify people into two categories. There are beach people, and then there are mountain people. We are mountain people. My gosh, who wants sand trapped into every possible spot on your body, so frustrating.

The mountains for us are a retreat, a solitary and peaceful place where the hurry of life slows down, where schedules are abolished, and where the beauty and the presence of God is all around. So, when I come across John…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 6:15 - Retreat into the mountains

John 6:15 - Retreat into the mountains

Robin and I love the mountains. We somewhat joke about it saying, you can simplify people into two categories. There are beach people, and then there are mountain people. We are mountain people. My gosh, who wants sand trapped into every possible spot on your body, so frustrating.

The mountains for us are a retreat, a solitary and peaceful place where the hurry of life slows down, where schedules are abolished, and where the beauty and the presence of God is all…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 6:1-15 - Not Enough

John 6:1-15 - Not Enough

John 6 opens up with Jesus retreating from a large following to the mountainside with his disciples. Jesus has been healing the sick and performing miracles, which has drawn enormous crowds of people. Here, the scene and story are set for Jesus to feed the five thousand. This miracle is amazing and has so much to unpack, but this morning I am seeing and focusing on a few elements for me.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 5:39-44 - Live out the Scriptures

John 5:39-44 - Live out the Scriptures

After Jesus healed the thirty-eight-year disabled man, the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem were pretty on tilt. These Jewish leaders began to persecute Jesus, mocking and then trying to kill him because he broke the Sabbath and was calling God his own father.

The closing of John 5 is Jesus speaking to these leaders. It is rich with deep and meaningful content. It also contains some verses that are highly debated and wrestled with to understand the meaning. A lot of thoughts, opinions, and…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
John 5:16-28 - What are you listening to?

John 5:16-28 - What are you listening to?

Jesus seems to continually be saying, eternal life can start now. Eternal life begins with having the ears to hear, and the eyes to see what is all around.

“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the person who hears My word [the one who heeds My message], and believes and trusts in Him who sent Me, has (possesses now) eternal life [that is, eternal life actually begins—the believer is transformed], and does not come into judgment and condemnation, but has passed [over] from death into life.” - ‭‭John‬ ‭5:24‬ ‭AMP‬‬

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thoughtsTerry Storch