Terry Storch

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C3 Conference (Pre Day)

The first day is over and was a huge success. Over 1000 Fellowship Connection members took over the Fellowship campus. Today was the "Pre-Conference" where you got in-depth tours of the campus, heard a quick word from Ed, and then had 2 afternoon breakout session for Q & A. Here is a list of the sessions that we offered:

Worship Planning
Children's Ministry
Student's Ministry
Recruiting & Training Volunteers
Small Groups
New Member Assimilation
Marketing and Graphics
WWW: Web, Weblogs, and What's Next
Technology Systems for the Church (Fellowship Technologies)
Legal Issues Facing the Church (Brewer Law Group)
Audio, Video & Lighting (Fowler Productions)
Church Finance (Guinn Smith Associates)
Church Building & Facilities (Beck Architects)

Today was great, but the real fun stuff starts tomorrow. I look forward to posting about it.