Friday Rewind (June 17th)
A quick glance at my week.
I'm not really sorry, just board.
Nope, that will not work.
Hook a brotha up, please.
Not real down with the look.
The good the bad and Shamu.
It's free, really it is.
17 comments later
Jonathan is a STUD!
Bill just does not get it.
Who are you talking to on your iPod?
Another list that is not mine.
Hungry, hungry hippo.
And their off.
Here's Scotty.
Lunch with a Genius.
It's gone forever.
Sweet skills needed.
Undocumented Stuff.
Interviewed by Boston Globe
I predict a Piston's repeat
X&Y is the Best Album of the Year
Saw lake Michigan. Impressive.
Bought a New Pink Shirt, thinking about Tony.
Got a new Bluetooth headset.