Terry Storch

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Infusion Creative Conference

Wow, this was a great experience. Daybreak Church has it going on. These guys are in the middle of nowhere. Yes, they are outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan, but they are a ways outside the city. A little bit of facts about Daybreak. They are running about 1,200 in weekend attendace, they have just over million dollar budget, they have 10 full time staff, and a handful of part time staff. And, they know how to make the best with what they have.

This is the second year they are holding the Infusion Conference, and the opening of the conference was outstading. Great video, great music, great facility, great volunteers, great staff. It was great. Wes Dupin, Senior Pastor has a passion for reaching the lost in a creative and compeling way and he is doing it.  God is doing great things in western Michigan through Daybreak, and this conference was showing and teaching others how they are doing it.

If you are looking for a great techie/media rich conference to attend next year check out the Infusion Creative Conference May 18-19, 2006. This is a conference held by a smaller church that will challange your thinking and I would put up Daybreak against most Mega-Churchs for their creativity.