Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Posts in thoughts

Today, a few new things surfaced, I love when this happens. I am not sure why I didn’t see this before, my guess is because I just have never really been comfortable with tongues, so I didn’t pay much attention to this chapter. Not proud of that fact, but I could see that happen. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
What is Love?

How would you define love? It’s a bit complex. We use the word love in so many different ways. From loving our spouse and kids to loving our new car or loving being debt-free, maybe loving a sunrise, or I love ice cream to even the crazy about of love some have for college football. Love, a single word, used in so many different ways. It has to have multiple meanings, right?!

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Are You Fulfilled

We should not prop up, diminish one another, or play the comparison game. This line of thinking will continually lead us to seek satisfaction and fulfillment from the wrong sources. God created you, and He created me with a great purpose, with gifts and talents, and those have a place in this world. If you are struggling to find fulfillment, start by understanding your who you are in Christ, then find your place to allow those gifts and talents to be used freely. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Where does our value come from?

Paul brings clarity to where all authority comes from, and that is God. When we are out of balance, or our lives are seeking value from the wrong source we will struggle to have the appropriate respect for those around us. There is an order in which Paul communicates, I honestly think we can focus too much on order and miss a more important element. The point here that Paul is bringing is our actions in public and in private are critically crucial to how we are honoring and respecting that authority of Christ. How we love and respect those around us is a reflection of how we love and respect God. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
God won’t give you more than you can handle!?

God will not give you more than you can handle. Have you thought that, or heard others say this? I have said it and also heard others say it a lot. I said it many, many years ago, because I just misunderstood what the Bible said about this. Come to find out many years later, and this seems to be one of the most misquoted and misunderstood concepts in the Bible.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Navigating Life

I see it all the time. People will generally live in the camp of life happening to them. Or, others who take control and live a life with purpose and intentionality. Both of these have variations and intensity levels, but I believe generally, you can find that people live in either one of these camps. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Opinions are like…

Self-awareness, it’s crucial. I am incredibly self-aware but still stumble and relate to Paul when he talks about doing what he knows he shouldn’t do. There are times when I feel like a fish that got hooked...I see the bait, remember it’s the bait and should swim right on by, but no! I take the bait and find myself caught again! 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
You can’t get there from here

I don’t know why these old 80’s comedy crack me up so much, but they do. And this scene is hilarious. If I were trying to get to Red Bud, I sure as hell wouldn’t start from here. As absurd as that may sound, how often do you say that in your everyday life? Maybe you need to process that and think about it from another point of view. Let me come at it from this direction, when is the last time you felt like God asked you to do something that you were not prepared, or ready for...so you sat still?

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thoughtsTerry Storch
A land mine

Transformation, this is what Paul is saying. You (the Corinthians) were on the list, and now you are sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus. Saved by grace through faith, not works, or being worthy. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Bring the Heat

Righteous anger is not a sin. We see Jesus in Matthew 21:12 walk in the Temple and flip out, turning over tables and running out the money changers and the salesmen who had turned the church into a flea market or community swap meet. I am always intrigued by this account, that a single man (Jesus) would be able to run out so many vendors…

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thoughtsTerry Storch