Terry Storch

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C3 Session 2 (Ed Young)

Questions Leaders are afraid to ask.

First Question- Is your church structured for growth?

            If you are not structured for growth, it is not going to happen for you.

Elders want control without responsibly.

Leaders demand control with responsibility with accountability!

Perry Noble illustration- If an airplane was structured like the local church they would be crashing and burning. Example: The pilots and crew would have to come out of the cockpit and meet with people in first class. They would meet with a doctor, a plumber, who’s friend is a pilot and others to determine the flight path. Once the first class decides on the flight path they go to the coach section to vote on the flight path. Once they all agree with the flight path the pilot can turn the plane. How can a church operate like that?

Second Question- Who are you reaching? “The best churches are the churches that are White Hot for evangelism”

5 key indicators



            Small Groups


            New Members

In these 5 key areas, are the up, down or flat. In the areas that are not up, put resources towards those areas to get them growing.

Third Question- Where are you putting your money?

“It’s the weekend stupid!” Senior Pastors, we have 52 big events a year. Every weekend is a special event. Put your resources, your staff your money toward the weekend!

Talk about giving in your church. It takes a lot of cash to run a church. No matter how big your church is, 100 people or 100,000 people it takes money to operate.

Compensation! We have to talk about salaries. You must pay the people well that score the touchdowns.  A main reason churches don't pay well is becasue of the evangelical illusion. The illusion of a pastor not taking a salary from the church. The illusion is the bling,bling that the pastor is making from books, conferences, etc, etc. Don't fall for the illusion, pay your staff well.

Here is what happens when you pay your staff well!






Pay Now or Pay Later