Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Posts in thoughts

The other day, Robin showed me this adorable video. It was a little girl, probably around 3yrs who was imitating Princess Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen. It snowed here in Oklahoma City, and this little girl dressed up in her princess outfit and was acting out a scene of the Frozen moving in her backyard in the snow. This girl had all the moves memorized and was imitating Elsa.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Check yourself

“So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.” - ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3:21-23‬

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Don’t “Stop Short.”

Leaning on worldly wisdom for our daily lives and leadership is stopping short of God’s best as a Christ-follower. It’s unfortunate how often I see this, believers who spend so much time studying and learning leadership principles and growing in knowledge but are entirely lacking in Biblical truth and God’s power. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Pauls drumbeat of Unity

One interesting thing comes to my mind when I read the introduction and first chapter of 1 Corinthians, and it is the reminder that each generation seems to believe “it is worse now than ever before.” Maybe it’s just me, but I run into so many that seem to think what our world is going through now is horrific, and we have never experienced anything like it. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Girl power in a boys club

Romans, a thick and challenging book to process and absorb, has come to an end. What a great ending of this persuasive letter, greetings, and Paul was sharing his love and appreciation for so many. A message we can take into our day, showing sincere appreciation for those we serve with. Also, it would be great to take a moment and think about those in our past who played a significant part in our growth and development that we need to send a greeting and message of respect. Let’s bring some honor to those who have honored us today. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Be Refreshed

Who in your life do you have that offers spiritual refreshment? The person or persons that you can go to without any guards, no filter, and sit with and find deep rest. These are the dear friends that don’t require any internal or external walls, no emotional boundaries, and no need for protection. Complete trust and spiritual rest and fellowship. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Unity isn’t a Uniform

Your opinion is okay, and what you have personal convictions about is fine; but please realize it’s your conviction, not someone else’s. When we are camping out in these non-essentials and disputable matters, we MUST be cautious about casting judgment, arguing and bringing unnecessary energy around topics that don’t matter. Sure, it might matter to you and the uniform that you are wearing, but that uniform isn’t representative of Christ’s team, it is your team and do not confuse the two.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Subject to Governing Authorities

Today we face such a politically charged society that feels deeply divided and fractured, and it seems ripe for a place where Christ can be glorified, and love can prevail. I have no idea where you stand politically, and honestly, I don’t care. Your political affiliation has nothing to do with your association with Christ, and you should not merge those because they are like oil and water - they won't mix well. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Love is the Greatest Commandment

Romans 12 is all about how to live as a follower of Christ. This is a playbook, a guide that we can turn to for wise advice. Starting at verse 9, Paul brings home the application...the challenging part is, this is relatively easy to read, a little more complicated to live out. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Be a River

I am challenged to audit and understand my gifts and talents. Taking inventory, and then really self-analyzing how I am using those gifts to bless others. Let’s take one action today that uses our gifts to bless one other person. Be a river, not a reservoir. Start now! 

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thoughtsTerry Storch