Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Posts in thoughts
Acts 14 - First Time Out

Acts 14 - First Time Out

Here is Acts 14, we read about Paul’s first ministry trip. Think about your first time doing anything. Maybe you can remember your first time riding a bike, or first time driving a car, your first kiss, or the first time you told someone about Jesus. Firsts, we only have them once. What happens when the first time we attempt something, and it goes horribly wrong?

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 13 - Set Free

Acts 13 - Set Free

This morning I am a bit distracted. I can not shake a few conversations that I have had over the past days, and my mind is locked, and my Spirit is pulling me towards a dear friend of mine who is struggling right now. Everything that I am reading this morning, I am thinking about this person, my lens into these words is very much shaded with this situation. So, I am not seeing clearly, but in another way, I am seeing clearly what God desires me to see.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 12- Unstoppable

Acts 12- Unstoppable 

Acts 12 is a continued picture of the great persecution the early Jesus movement faced. We have read this through the book so far, and now we see King Herod ramp it up, arresting many and even putting to death James, the brother of John. This set the stage for a dramatic and epic vanishing act for Peter.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 11 - Criticized

Acts 11 - Criticized 

The church is growing; thousands of people are coming to the Jesus movement; lives are being transformed and radically changed. All must be good, and everyone is happy, right? Wrong. The tension in the air is thick, and the frustration is brewing in many believers about this expansion of the movement and the Gospel reaching the Gentiles.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 10 - No Boundaries

Acts 10 - No Boundaries 

This chapter, like most in Acts, is just awesome. I am having so much fun reading Acts right now and just experiencing it in a fresh way. I love it when God does this, and the message just comes through in a fresh, new way. However, I am also aware when sometimes it just is quite the opposite…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 9:20-42 - Forgivness and Risk

Acts 9:20-42 - Forgivness & Risk

The opening of Acts 9 is the miracle conversation and transformation of Saul. From Al Capone to Billy Graham...ha, at least that's one way to look at it. Because of this, it’s pretty easy to jump past there rest of chapter 9, but that would move right on past a few great learnings.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 9 - All around us

Acts 9 - All around us

I am first struck by the interaction, and try and imagine what Saul experienced...but as I read on I am most fascinated by Sauls cronies. The men traveling with this mercenary experienced this as well, but their experience wasn’t personal, and it lacked clarity. What I mean is they did not hear the voice of God.

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 8 - Pressure, Persecution, Prosperity

Acts 8 - Pressure, Persecution, Prosperity

Ok, onto Samaria and this new disciple Philip. Back in chapter 6, where Stephen was introduced, we also met Philip. He was another one of the so-called bread boys that got called out and called up to assist with the racism going on in the church. This shows us that Philip was a stand-up guy, full of the Holy Spirit, and a leader of leaders. It also shows us that Philip was a sacrificial leader, who was willing to be led and open to the calling that God put on his life. 

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 7 - Stand Like Stephen

Acts 7 - Stand Like Stephen 

In chapter 6, we saw yesterday Stephen emerge from the large group of disciples and step up as a Spirit-filled leader. Stephen took on a small leadership role, and a colossal result came. Interesting to rememberer that Luke is writing Acts, and this is basically the sequel to the Gospel of Luke, and we see what Luke wrote about Jesus' words in Luke 16…

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Acts 6 - Leadership and Followship

Acts 6 - Leadership and Followship

The opening seven verses of Acts 6 are amazing. If you read through it quickly, and without a bit of intrigue and curiosity, you just might miss it. Why do I say that? Well, because I did just that many times just getting through my morning readings. But today, whoa, some cool stuff stood out to me. Let’s jump in and see what is going on.

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thoughtsTerry Storch