01-06-2020 Galatians 3:26-29
“You have all become true children of God by faith in Jesus the Anointed One! It was faith that immersed you into Jesus, the Anointed One, and now you are covered and clothed with his anointing. And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ with no distinction between us. And since you’ve been united to Jesus the Messiah, you are now Abraham’s “child” and inherit all the promises of the kingdom realm!”
Inheritance is an interesting concept. Dictionary.com defines inheritance as:
something that is or may be inherited; property passing at the owner's death to the heir or those entitled to succeed; legacy.
the genetic characters transmitted from parent to offspring, taken collectively.
In one case, an inheritance requires death. In the other case, inheritance is passed due to the unity and fabric of life connected with our genetics. It’s unfortunate, but Inheritances can often bring family feuds, tension and infighting and in the other case, often times children can inherit genetic disorders from their parents. But these are not the types of inheritances I ran across in my reading this morning.
In the letter from Paul the Apostile to the Christian communities in Galatia we read something very different. Galatians 3:26-29 gives insight of our new, undeserved inheritance though our faith in Jesus. This inheritance grants us a new anointing. This inheritance brings us unity with with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, WITH NO DISTINCTION between us. And, we inherit all the promises of the kingdom realm. God’s anointing, unity with the body of Christ, and all God’s promises of the kingdom. What a powerful inheritance.
As I read this, and process this morning...I am just struck by how we are handling our inheritance. Is this free gift, this amazing blessing causing tension and strife among the family. What about infighting within the body of Christ? Are we more passionate about what we are against, than what we are for? Where is the unity in the body? What are we doing with the inheritance, and where is the joy?
“Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” - Isaiah 61:7 NIV
As we step into this fresh week, into a new day lets openly receive the double portion of blessing God offers us. Instead of the shame we deserve and often create with our own lives and actions, lets receive and rejoice in our inheritance. I desire everlasting joy...a double portion is awaiting us today.