2 Thessalonians 1 - Why God?
2 Thessalonians 1 - Why God?
Opening 2 Thessalonians this morning, the sequel to 1 Thessalonians. From some research, I found that this letter was written quickly after the first letter, maybe just a few months. Many theologians believe Paul was trying to correct some misunderstandings. The NIV introduction tells us Paul was trying to correct a false report that he had said the day of the Lord had already come. The Thessalonians concern seems to have been not that the day had come and gone, and they had missed it, but that it was now present.
This is just so interesting to me, so many similarities today and centuries ago. Paul was a chief reminding officer. His message was delivered, and nearly immediately, that message was being twisted, turned, and taken out of context or just distorted. It sounds like today, hard to sort through all the messaging and find the truth.
The opening few verses give us some real truth, and they are so relevant to our current situation and are relevant to our lives today, let's dig in. I am going to break down and highlight each verse to make this easy to digest.
“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.” - 2 Thessalonians 1:3 NIV
“Therefore, among God’s churches, we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.” - 2 Thessalonians 1:4 NIV
So I will quickly stop here and just recap and hit a few things. Paul, Silas (Silvanus) and Timothy send grace and peace in the name of Jesus Christ and highlight how much they thank God for the Thessalonians. They highlight how much their faith is growing, how much they are loving others in the midst of great persecution and trials. During persecution and trials is a critical part of this opening! This is precisely what Paul was boasting to others about how they are persevering in the middle of all this turmoil. Let’s continue.
“All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.” - 2 Thessalonians 1:5 NIV
Check out a few other versions of this passage:
“All of this proves that God’s judgment is always perfect and is intended to make you worthy of inheriting the kingdom of God, which is why you are going through these troubles.” - 2 Thessalonians 1:5 TPT
“And God will use this persecution to show his justice and to make you worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering.”- 2 Thessalonians 1:5 NLT
“All this trouble is a clear sign that God has decided to make you fit for the kingdom. You’re suffering now, but justice is on the way.” - 2 Thessalonians 1:5 MSG
So many times we ask the big question why? Why all the pain, why all the suffering, why must we walk through this? Right now, I find myself asking that many times around COVID-19, and I have asked this countless times in my life - “Why God?”
All these different versions were really great for me to read this morning, gathering different words and application to my life, I hope they help you. I really liked this commentary I understand this morning about this opening.
We usually think that God is absent when we suffer, and that our suffering calls God’s righteous judgment into question. Paul took the exact opposite position and insisted that the Thessalonians’ suffering was evidence of the righteous judgment of God. Where suffering is coupled with righteous endurance, God’s work is done. The fires of persecution and tribulation were like the purifying fires of a refiner, burning away the dross from the gold, bringing forth a pure, precious metal.
Wow, a powerful thought and not what comes to my mind naturally. I often desire the pain and suffering to go away. I often pray for others for the pain, trials and suffering to go away...but we do not read in Paul's words those thoughts. We read the opposite, not asking for more, but reminding them God’s work is done when suffering is coupled with righteous endurance. That’s a critical takeaway.
Is will stop here, as I know I need to take this in and allow this to set in. God is just! There is a greater “Why” than we typically see at first glance.
Lord, may we remember in the middle of all our situations and circumstances, when suffering is coupled with righteous endurance, your work is done. Amen