Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

A New Season is Upon Us


A New Season is Upon Us

This morning I am preaching to myself as I wrestle through a “new thing!” Yesterday, we had the honor and privilege of taking our first daughter, Reia, to college. Such an exciting opportunity and phase of life for her, and we have been preparing on just about every front for this very moment. But, what I knew was coming has come. No matter how much you can “prepare” for certain things, going through them, and wrestling with the new realities is part of the process. 

I am not a very emotional guy, not a lot of “feels” or expressiveness. So, all those things called emotions are just jumbled up and bottled up inside and honestly really hard to sort through. I am swinging wildly from thrilled, excited, overjoyed, and then I cross the chasm very quickly to sad, and a sense of loss. All of which I am pretty sure falls in the camp of normal. 

As I walk through these emotional swings, and all the feels that are overwhelming at times, I am thankful for the certainty and truth of the situation. Reia is an amazing young woman who is entering a new and exciting season of her life. She is a quiet but strong, fierce, and fiery at times woman who passionately follows her convictions. Reia’s love and compassion for others, specifically those who a different, those who may go unnoticed, or those who have special needs is inspiring. The truth is, Reia is stepping into the next new thing, stepping fully into her life journey that God has laid out for her, and she is paving her own unique way, following her convictions that are centered in Jesus. 

I must write the truths down, because often the swings in emotions can move me to a place off-center, and that isn’t true. This journey called life offers new seasons, seasons of change, and seasons of growth. This new season is upon us, and it is good. But at the same time, it is honestly hard, offering a sea of challenging emotions, fears, uncertainty, and also affords opportunities to dwell on the past with elements of regret. As I navigate the salty discharge from my eyes and shuffle through the emotional deck of cards in my inner self, I hold fast to the reality of this new, beautiful season. 

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

thoughtsTerry Storch