Acts 23 - The Providence of God
Acts 23 - The Providence of God
Providence is a big word and rather intriguing to me. After reading Acts 23, it was apparent to me that this was the only word that resonated with the chapter, and honestly, the full life of the Apostle Paul. Pastor John Piper had a great article I found on the Providence of God, and he opened it with this:
The word “providence” is striking. It comes from the word “provide,” which has two parts: “pro” (Latin: “forward,” “on behalf of”) and “vide” (Latin: “to see”). So you might think that “provide” would mean: “to see forward” or “to foresee.” But it doesn’t. It means “to supply what is needed; to give sustenance or support.” And so the noun “providence” has come to mean the act of “providing for or sustaining and governing the universe by God.”
Why is this? There is a linguistic reason and the theological reason. Linguistically “pro” means “on behalf of” as well as “forward.” So “pro-vide” can mean “to see on behalf of.” We say in English: “I’ll see to that.” “See to” means “take care of, provide for.” In other words “seeing something with a purpose” is to make provision for what you see. “Seeing to” something is acting on behalf of something. It is “providing.” Thus, providence is the act of God’s “seeing to” the universe. He’ll see to that.
If you want to read more, you can find the article here:
So, the providence of God means providing for or seeing to. I would say that chapter 23 highlights God seeing to it that Paul’s mission is fulfilled. It is crazy to me reading this how it all unfolds, and what we read highlights God’s providence, His “seeing to” it that Paul makes it to Rome, and the Gospel is spread and delivered.
In this chapter, we see Paul’s life being saved multiple times by military force. This is Paul, not a King or a political official. Literally, military-style force comes and saves Paul, delivers him from assassins, and a large group of people who have taken an oath not to eat or drink until he is dead. Paul is delivered from this by hundreds of guards and is delivered to a palace. Yes, a palace, not a jail cell.
God’s provision is lovely, and it is beautiful. However, His provision is sometimes a bit easier to see and understand when we are looking through the lens of history, or when we have the blessing of hindsight. I don’t know about you, but for me, I can look back on my life, some of the most challenging parts of my life, and I can now see how God worked in it and see His provision. But unfortunately, most of the time, when I was in those seasons, I did not see it that way at all.
You see, what we can learn from the Apostle Paul, who was blessed and ordained by God, and had His provision; Paul did his part entirely. Paul took massive steps of faith, was 100% all-in, and risked his life, and trusted Jesus with his calling and was not on autopilot thinking God’s provision will just happen, and I can be idle. No, Paul was not idle; he was pressing forward. Often, Paul was pressing forward so much that Jesus had to stop him and not allow him to move forward. Remember, in chapter 16?
“When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.” - Acts 16:7 NIV
Paul was pressing forward, on a mission, bound and determined to follow the calling placed on his life. In this space, I think we need to understand the tension that comes with fully living out the calling on our lives. I believe with all of my heart, and we must do our part, we must bring all of ourselves, 100% of who God created us to be with all of our cracks, baggage, and faults and passionately move forward. While doing this, following the Holy Spirit, recognizing HIs voice and pressing into the future and, at the same time, God guiding and providing along the way. This way of living is not safe and comfortable; I do not read that at all in scripture or the life of Paul. At every turn, there was challenges, uncertainty, and danger. But at the same time, it was clear that God was paving the way, the Providence of God was being fulfilled.
“The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” - Acts 23:11 NIV
Fulfilling the calling placed on our lives by God is not an easy task, or at least I have never experienced that. But, I can look back and see walking in step with God has produced amazing fruit in my life; it is grown me in ways I could have never imagined. I now find it a bit easier to step into those challenging situations or areas that seem a bit more unknown with abundant faith and certainty because I can look back and see God Providence in my life, and I have peace that can only come from Christ.
God will always bring His resource to His vision. Applying this to our lives today and into our daily walk, may we realize that God will always provide and do His part with the calling He has for us. The question is, will we do our part?