Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Holy Week - Tuesday


Fig Tree

In Mark chapter 11, we read about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It’s Holy Week, and Jesus is days away from his death. Jesus and his disciples enter the city, as we discussed the last few days we see the big celebration and welcoming, and the first day Jesus goes into the city, looks around leaves.

“Jesus rode through the gates of Jerusalem and up to the temple. After looking around at everything, he left for Bethany with the Twelve to spend the night, for it was already late in the day.” - Mark‬ ‭11:11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I never really thought much about this and didn't know why Jesus and his disciples didn't stay in the city, but I won't dig into that now. Something else really caught my attention. Check this out. 

“The next day, as he left Bethany, Jesus was feeling hungry. He noticed a leafy fig tree in the distance, so he walked over to see if there was any fruit on it, but there was none—only leaves (for it wasn’t yet the season for bearing figs). Jesus spoke to the fig tree, saying, “No one will ever eat fruit from you again!” And the disciples overheard him.” - ‭‭Mark‬ ‭11:12-14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

These few verses seem somewhat odd at first. If you read on, v15 leads right into them entering Jerusalem, and heading into the temple. Why did Mark take the time to share about this odd fig tree encounter, and even later, Mark documents more about this fig tree. 

“In the morning, they passed by the fig tree that Jesus spoke to, and it was completely withered from the roots up. Peter remembered and said to him, “Teacher, look! That’s the fig tree you cursed. It’s now all shriveled up and dead.” -‭‭ Mark‬ ‭11:20-21‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Jesus and the fruitless fig tree, seemingly an out of place, odd addition in the middle of a story that is of historical meaning. What is happening here? Was Jesus just upset, did he lose his temper (like he did when he turned over the tables in the temple?) I don’t think so, I think this was very different, and of extreme importance for us to catch, and apply. Here are some of my thoughts around these verses and this story. 

First, a little context and understanding about a fig tree. After doing a little research, there is a reason Mark described the fig tree in the distance having leaves. This would be easy to miss, but here is the point, a fig tree first produces fruit, then it produces leaves following the production of the fruit. This is why Jesus went and looked for the fruit because the tree already had leaves. Yes, the text goes on to say it was not the season for bearing figs, but that also is important to understand - in this region, fig bearing season was nearly year-round. Meaning, these trees could bear fruit at just about any time, and if they had leaves, then they should have had fruit. Why is this important, and what is happening here? This is what I gather from these few verses...watch this. The Fig tree is a metaphor or represents the Jewish people, who have all the understanding, the law, and convent but are not producing fruit with their lives. Jesus came to this fig tree hungry, and it provided no fruit, no ability to meet the hunger of Jesus even though it had leaves, meaning it was able to produce fruit. It was barren and empty when it shouldn’t have been. This is why Jesus cursed the tree, basically cursing the Jewish people saying you have the law, and knowledge but produce no fruit, and I have not tolerance for that. This makes me think about:

“But because you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I am about to spit you from my mouth.” - ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This was not just for the Jewish people of the day, and this is a message we desperately need to hear. I believe this is so relevant right now, in the situations and circumstances we are walking through Holy Week in 2020...the COVID-19 Holy Week. Are we producing fruit and Christ-followers in the midst of our current situation? As Christians, we are a fig tree with leaves, and we have the awareness, the knowledge, the Holy Spirit lives in us, so what is being produced from our lives right now? There are people all around us that are hungry like Jesus described himself as being. All around us are spiritually hungry people, fighting anxiety, fighting fear, and uncertainty. There’s are so many people around us that are physically hungry, unable to pay bills, meet the basic needs of their families due to job loss and economic collapse. Will our knowledge of Jesus, will our lives be like a fig tree that has leaves, but no fruit? Will our lives be lukewarm, that leads Jesus to want to spit us out? 

Now is the time as Christ-followers to rise, to be a magnificent fig tree in or out of season that produces fruit, and feeds the people all around us that are in physical and spiritual need. This is our time, and this is our season to produce fruit and feed the hungry. The consequences are rather significant! 

Lord, I desire not to be lukewarm; my desire is not to have knowledge of you with no fruit like the example of the fig tree. Lord, continue to do a work in me, in all of us that leads to great fruit and give us the courage and strength to bear your fruit and fruit that feeds the hungry. May you Lord receive all the glory and honor. 

thoughtsTerry Storch