Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Your Five


Do you have a person in your life that brings you great joy and encouragement. The kind of person that is doing life in a way that just makes you a better person because they raise your game, or you raise your compassion because of them? I can think of many different people in my life that inspire me to be better, different peoples that encourage me in so many ways. If you don’t, then you are missing out. Let me encourage you to find someone who can be this person for you, and allow them to raise your game, to encourage you to be a better version of yourself. 

Today I opened another letter of Pauls, the letter Paul wrote to his dear friend Philemon. This verse jumped out to me today:

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” - ‭‭Philemon‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Philemon was refreshing the hearts of those around him. We read earlier in the chapter that Philemon held church in his home, so I have to imagine he was a leader in his area or community and loved those around him. Sounds like a stand out dude. We need people like this around us, lifting us up and bringing out the best in us. 

Jim Rohn, renowned businessman and personal development guru, said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and that means everyone in your life counts

Take a moment and write down your five. Who are the five people you spend the most time with...do they bring you great joy and encouragement because they are refreshing your heart and drawing you closer to Christ? Do you look at these five and desire to be more like them? Don’t forget that we actually get to choose our friends, and those we spend our time with. 

Something I read years ago really changed the way I thought about this, I read a book or an article about having a Personal Board of Directors. Just like a great business has a Board of Directors that offer significant value, and each member of the board brings key strengths and talents to the board...we can have this very thing in our lives. I identified the areas in my life that were really important to me, and found people who were amazing at those areas. My personal board of directors now include:

  1. Spiritual mentor and my go to for just about anything

  2. A father who is years ahead of me

  3. Accountability and dear friend

  4. Business mind and wise leader

  5. Financial and wealth advisor

All five of these are people God has placed into my life, but I had to reach out to and establish the relationship. Over time each of these has grown and developed deeper, and deeper. Some are much closer to me than others, and they all serve a different purpose in my life and I am absolutely better today because of each of them. 

Think about who you spend most of your time with, and who you have around you. Are they lifting you up, and encouraging you to be the best possible version of yourself? Choose your five wisely. 

thoughtsTerry Storch