Holy Week - Sabbath & Still Saturday
Holy Week - Sabbath & Still Saturday
The Bible documents NOTHING of the disciples the day between Jesus' death and the day of his resurrection. I find this very odd. Yes, this was Saturday the Holy Sabbath, but I find it hard to comprehend what I read this morning. NOTHING.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - the only thing documented about something happening on the Sabbath was…
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Holy Week - Good Friday
Holy Week - Good Friday
Today is Good Friday, and in all honestly, there was nothing good about this day for the disciples. This day was full of guilt from disowning Jesus, gambling for his clothing, doubting of Jesus at every level. As well as watching unjust trials, unimaginable floggings, a horrific parade to Calvery where Jesus carried his death device, the cross, and was ultimately executed between two criminals.
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Holy Week - Thursday
Holy Week - Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Today is Maundy Thursday. I had honestly never heard of this before now, and after doing some research, I found that the name is Latin. John Piper put it this way…
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Holy Week - Wednesday
Holy Week - Wednesday
3 Types Generocity - “We are not generous out of our abundance; we are generous out of our obedience.”
I believe this is important, and 2 phases of generous. But, it is missing a critical 3rd phase of being generous, the most important, and the one that was modeled in our reading today.
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Holy Week - Tuesday
Holy Week - Tuesday
Jesus and the fruitless fig tree, seemingly an out of place, odd addition in the middle of a story that is of historical meaning. What is happening here? Was Jesus just upset, did he lose his temper (like he did when he turned over the tables in the temple?) I don’t think so, I think this was very different, and of extreme importance for us to catch, and apply. Here are some of my thoughts around these verses and this story.
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Holy Week - Monday
Holy Week - Monday
Just days before the most significant event in human history happened, there was a bit of chaos in the lands. Quite honestly, it’s fascinating to me to understand the full context of this situation and ask what we can learn from this.
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COVID-19 Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11
It’s April 5th, 2020, or we could call this COVID-19 Palm Sunday. It will be fascinating to see what the history books write about this current pandemic. We already read articles, writings, and option pieces about all the failures that have to lead us here, the mishaps and finger-pointing. Honestly, it’s currently a bit challenging to dig through it all and find the truth in the midst of the messaging.
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Meadley for me
Sometimes the weight of the world or our situations and circumstances seems heavier than other times. The last few days were some of those days, and this morning I wanted some of my learnings and readings these previous few weeks to just speak to me. These are key verses that are speaking to me right now.
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Handbook for Life
Colossians 3:11-25
In the first part of Colossians 3, we read all about being Alive in Christ, taking off our old self, and putting on our new self, basically changing our clothes of life. The old tattered clothes are replaced with a wardrobe of royalty. We are dressed in Christ Jesus, wholly renewed in Him.
The second part of Colossians 3 focuses on the now what, our handbook for life.
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Vacation Bound
Colossians 3: 1-11
Think for a moment about your last vacation. Ok, I am not talking about a family trip when you have young children, I am talking about a vacation. If you were not aware, those are two very different things. Get your mind on the last vacation, and think about the planning, the preparing and then the anticipation of that trip. The vacation bound mindset is one of pure joy and excitement.
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