Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

A New Approach

In the 1960s Dick Fosbury changed the sport of high jumping as we know it. A somewhat unsuccessful athlete who could not compete with the stronger, more capable sportsmen opted for a new approach. Fosbury created a new technique and way of high jumping - and it stunned his coaches, other athletes and eventually the world.

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The Challenge of Change

Change is talked about a lot. We hear change is hard. Change is constant. Change is necessary. Change is good. Change is not a threat.

Lots of "change messaging" bombarding us.

What I have noticed is when things are going good, or even great, change is the hardest.

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The Full and Abundant Life

Full. Abundant. Do those words describe your everyday life? Stop and really think about it for a moment and wrestle with the question.

Is your everyday life full, better than you ever dreamed of...abounding with joy?

Why not?

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Five Year Fridays

Think about a Friday five years from now. Get a good image of that Friday and answer these questions. Write them down. (I got this idea from Marjorie Blanchard)

  • Where do you live?

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Terry Storch
Living in the shadows

Build your personal brand.You need a “Platform!”

We live in a world that screams at us and tells us we must be noticed. We must be “the man or woman.”

Why? What’s your motive to build your personal brand? What the crap is your platform anyway!?

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Beauty beyond boundaries

Healthy emotional boundaries build great relationships. Physical boundaries keep us safe while driving and builds our homes. So how can boundaries do such harm when it comes to our personal development? Because the odds are, your boundaries are located in the wrong spot.

It's our human nature to seek comfort and safety. And that's a central problem with our...

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thoughtsTerry Storch
The Game Changed

Coaching an NBA basketball team with an MLB playbook would be a disaster. In the same way, leading a team by the wrong playbook will also result in poor outcomes. People evolve and grow; teams morph, goals and objectives adjust, technology rapidly changes. Leading is dynamic.

As leaders, we must regularly evaluate and change our playbook to the proper game....

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thoughtsTerry Storch
The Hillsong Experience

As most of you know, Brian, Bobby and I traveled to Australia last week for the Hillsong Conference and some Bible Society meetings. The trip was full of activities, meetings, and events, so I was not able to unpack the trip in much detail. I don’t plan on a play by play storyline - however, I want to share about the Hillsong experience. The Hillsong experience is the best language I can use to describe...

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Different Doesn't Have to be Bad!

My daughters are about as different as they come. Not much of a surprise since Robin and I are near opposites. On the Myers-Briggs scale,  Robin is an ISFP, and I am an ENTJ. Reese, my 12yr old, is an extroverted feeler, very organized and detail oriented (ESFJ). She wears her emotions on her sleeves, and we NEVER have to guess what she is feeling. Reia, on the other hand, is an introverted feeler and much more reserved (INFP). Three ladies at home and they are all very, very different...

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thoughtsTerry Storch