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James 5:19-20 - Play your part


James 5:19-20 - Play your part

I could pick a number of different ways to highlight the importance of playing a part. Think about your car...if one of your tires goes flat, the entire car is rendered nearly useless. Millions of parts on the car, and one of them isn’t playing it’s part, the car becomes unusable. The other day, my wife cut her thumb in the kitchen. Life got a bit harder with a thumb being nearly unusable for a while, she mentioned how hard it was to get her contacts in and out without the use of her thumb. I could go on, and on but I want to get to this really powerful closing to the book of James. We must play our part! If you knew that other Christians salvation was dependent on you, would that change the way you lived your life, the way you acted, the way you leaned into conversations? Here we go...

This is such an important topic, I am using a easy to read translation, and a more literal translation. (TPT, ESV)

“Finally, as members of God’s beloved family, we must go after the one who wanders from the truth and bring him back. For the one who restores the sinning believer back to God from the error of his way, gives back to his soul life from the dead, and covers over countless sins by their demonstration of love!” - ‭‭James (Jacob)‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” - ‭‭James‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

First we need to see the important opening of this verse, My brothers or we also read as member of God’s beloved family.  This is something we need to take to heart, and fully process. This letter was written to a scattered group of Christians, not just a single church. James is telling us, and modeling to us that all Christians, race, creed, gender, whatever, all Christians are our family our brothers and sisters. Actually, as I was studying this text I learned that EIGHT times in the book of James he uses My brothers! Unity is being preached here, family connection and bonding as Christ followers no matter the background, culture, and non-essential beliefs. 

Next we see James say we must go after the one who wanders from the truth and bring him back. James is not talking about unbelievers here, James is telling us that Christians are wandering from the truth. This is a great reminder that we must not jump to conclusions, or make assumptions that when we see people wandering, or sinning, or just doing stupid stuff that they are not Christians. That would be a leap into assuming, and we all know what assuming makes us to be, right? 

Here is the huge step into playing our part as a Christian, we are the someone or the whoever here.  Whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. Whoa, have you ever really read and taken this text in before? I can not tell you how many times I have read the book of James, and I just do not remember these closing verses. I do not remember a pastor every talking about this, or any devotional covering this. I am sure it’s happened, I just don’t recall every hearing about it or reading it. Let’s read this again, both verses in the ESV since it is more of a literal translation of the text. 

“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” - ‭‭James‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We have a significant part to play as Christ followers, as Christians. James is making it crystal clear that we as humans are agents of God that can save the wandering believers, we play a huge part in covering the multitude of sins. This is where the “body of Christ,” where community is so essential in our lives that we are surrounding, and surrounded by other solid Christians who can bring this accountability and radical love. We need and more than likely understand the God is the Shepard, he is the creator of all things and the great master, but we are his agents we as humans are working in concert with His mighty will to fulfill His plans. I really liked how John Piper put this, God is the lumberjack, we are His axe. The tree doesn’t get cut down without both. 

These few verses highlights the important role that we play in the body of Christ, and our part to play. This puts some significant weight and heaviness on us and in many ways I think that is good. Our time here on earth is limited, and we have a huge purpose to fill...and that is not padding our pockets, living for fun and wandering aimlessly or without purpose as Christians. We must play our part, in a really odd way to say it, but God needs us. Ok, that didn’t sound right, God would love to use us and can use us to complete His will, to bring those wandering Christians back to him. This is our part to play, we need to step into this today. 

If you want this text unpacked and broke down in a powerful way, here are 2 videos from John Piper.

Watch first - https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/bringing-back-a-wandering-believer

Watch second - https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/five-truths-about-eternal-security

thoughtsTerry Storch