Writing about life, leadership, faith, and anything else I find interesting.

Lifelong Learning

The past month or so I have been thinking about an upcoming Leader Essentials session I have the privilege to speak at. Leader Essentials is a dedicated training event for new leaders at Life.Church geared toward training and equipping leaders within our culture. I like to use this time to highlight the DNA of digerati leadership, but also highlight what I am learning and leading through personally.  While preparing for the talk, I found myself drawn towards my learning through failing...

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thoughtsTerry Storch
Thank you sir, may I have another?

Feedback is a critical part of our lives. We experience feedback when we touch a hot stove or sip coffee, the pain or sensation we experience tells us something important. Same with feedback from a new iPhone screen, press and hold, and you get feedback that offers information. Other types of feedback would be personal or professional feedback.  Maybe you have a service that comes and cleans your home or mows your yard and they are not doing a great job, you need to offer them feedback...

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thoughtsTerry Storch